I am in a world that is so Grade 12…

I can see why any military would want the latest and greatest weapons.  Ease of use and repeatable results.

I was biking with a friend up a hill known to both of us quite well.  It was our first demon we faced in a series of events designed to push us to the driving point, the point where your body gives up but your mind keeps firing the neurons in a blatant act of defiance.  Our first encounter, the demon had the better of us, shoving us off our seats in an effortless wave of its hand.  Jump ahead one year armed with knowledge and a few advancements of technology, we conquered triumphantly.  I was afraid to think of what my friend’s heart rate was during the ordeal.  I, fortunately, was able to stay seated and not resort to standing defiance and even doubled back down to lend moral support to my battling comrade.

He was quite happy, and I too, more so internally for smashing the feat we chose to relive.  My battle wasn’t as hard but upon reflection of the previous year, it made me realize the leaps and bounds I have made picking at all the low hanging fruit.  I feel the same with my swimming, coming off an injury that prevented me from swimming for 6 weeks but I am now able to swim farther than I’ve ever have, just not faster (working on that).  I do not brag about my accomplishments as they are only accomplishments for me.  What good does it do to tell others?  I would say something if they asked but I’ve always been modest with my abilities.  Maybe, I need not be so modest in every aspect of my life.  Maybe I should be less modest in my personal life but I can’t be like others…  What if they could be like me?  Not to toot my own horn but it’d be nice.  I pride myself of staying drama free, staying neutral, and gossip free but those are my values and ethics.

Wouldn’t it be nice though, if everyone you knew had the same values and ethics as you?  I guess this is the reason why I have a small tight-knit group of friends as they share these similar things with me.  I don’t have to worry about them talking or doing things behind my back, being two-sided etc.  I have closed the door to friendship on many people and left them standing on the doorstep of acquaintancy.  I believe trust should be earned except when it comes to relationships when the antithesis of this belief is practiced.  I learned a long time ago who my friends are and what qualifies as a friend for me.  Call it a motion for change or expansion of horizons, but I took a risk going into these pop-up video type friendships with this new group of friends, much different than my close friends.  I saw the signs and chose to ignore the drama that seemed to ensue though I knew not of these people at the time but was in the thick of the back room convos.  I have to admit, I did the same thing… but I was extremely drunk but have learned my lesson.  Haven’t these people?  How many times must their lies and loose lips bite them in the ass until they do?  I swear, I only need to step into the door and I’m already inundated with gossip, rants, compliment digging and self-affirmations.

These are the things I wish I could say to these people, learned from my interactions with them.

  • Just because the world treated you bad and now you’ve improved for the better, the world still doesn’t owe you anything.
  • Keep your mouth shut!  Do you have to spew every bit of gossip for attention?
  • If you enter a relationship, you don’t have to email everyone thinking that the world is caving in on people because of your union.  It’s actually quite freeing and we don’t need you to defend yourselves for your decision.  Whether these self/co-affirmations were warranted or not, I will still or not like you or change my view of you or hate/like you more.
  • Don’t lie to me, I’m not stupid.  Besides, everyone else told me what was going on.
  • Just be honest and tell them how you feel about them.  Don’t linger around and play that gray zone.
  • Grow up.

This one should be a given amongst male friends:

  • Never rub another man’s rhubarb.

I’ve taken a break from this group and not sure how long I will hold out though the venue certainly does have necessities that I require.  I’ve always been a little enigmatic and my disappearance will only fuel that image.  Will I remain friends with these people?  I’m not showing them the door but they are definitely being handed their hats.


  • Archives

  • 2011 Race Schedule

    Subaru Grimsby 3K
    Feb 27, 2011
    Goal Time: 11:00min
    Actual Time: 11:34min

    Sporting Life 10K
    May 1, 2011
    Goal Time: 37:30
    Actual Time

    Subaru Victoria's Duathlon
    May 23, 2011
    Goal Time:
    Actual Time:

    Subaru Milton Sprint Triathlon
    June 5, 2011
    Goal Time:
    Actual Time:

    HSBC Welland 1/2 Ironman Distance
    June 26, 2011
    Goal Time:
    Actual Time:

    Subaru Niagara Sprint Triathlon
    August 7, 2011
    Goal Time:
    Actual Time:

    IM Cozumel
    November 27, 2011
    Goal Times:
    Actual Times: